
Authors: [man4ela | catapulta.eth]

System Requirements


8+ cores CPU

Debian 12/Ubuntu 22.04

=> 16 GB RAM

500GB (SSD or NVMe)

The Erigon XLayer archive node has a size of 36GB on August 9th, 2024

Setup production Erigon

This guide covers the installation of CDK-Erigon, a fork of Erigon, optimized for syncing with the XLayer network.

CAUTION: During the Chain Integration Process, InfraDAO noticed some POI divergencies when using CDK-Erigon. Consider following the the ZKNODE (clickable) guide instead.


sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y

sudo apt install -y libgtest-dev libomp-dev libgmp-dev git make wget aria2 gcc pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev jq g++ curl libssl-dev screen apache2-utils build-essential

Setting up Firewall

Set explicit default UFW rules

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing

Allow SSH

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp

Allow remote RPC connections with Blast Node

sudo ufw allow from ${REMOTE.HOST.IP} to any port 8545

Not advised to allow all or unknown IP address to RPC port

Enable Firewall

sudo ufw enable

To check the status of UFW and see the current rules

sudo ufw status verbose

Install GO

Go version 1.20.7 is required to build cdk-rigon

sudo wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.20.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz && sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.20.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:/root/.local/bin' >> /root/.bashrc

source /root/.bashrc

#verify Go installation
go version

Build Erigon RPC Node

Before you start, make sure that you have your own synced Ethereum L1 RPC URL ready.

Clone the Erigon repository and build cdk-erigon. Check the latest version at releases page.

git clone https://github.com/0xPolygonHermez/cdk-erigon.git

cd cdk-erigon

git checkout v1.2.24 #[checkout the latest release version]

make cdk-erigon

Configure xLayer Mainnet Parameters

mkdir /root/data/erigon-data/xlayer-mainnet

mkdir /root/xlayer

cd /root/xlayer

sudo nano xlayerconfig-mainnet.yaml

Paste and modify parameters. Save by entering ctrl+X and Y+ENTER

datadir: /root/data/erigon-data/xlayer-mainnet
chain: xlayer-mainnet
http: true
private.api.addr: localhost:9091
zkevm.l2-chain-id: 196
zkevm.l2-sequencer-rpc-url: https://rpc.xlayer.tech
zkevm.l2-datastreamer-url: stream.xlayer.tech:8800
zkevm.l1-chain-id: 1
zkevm.l1-rpc-url: {L1 RPC URL}

zkevm.address-sequencer: "0xAF9d27ffe4d51eD54AC8eEc78f2785D7E11E5ab1"
zkevm.address-zkevm: "0x2B0ee28D4D51bC9aDde5E58E295873F61F4a0507"
zkevm.address-admin: "0x491619874b866c3cDB7C8553877da223525ead01"
zkevm.address-rollup: "0x5132A183E9F3CB7C848b0AAC5Ae0c4f0491B7aB2"
zkevm.address-ger-manager: "0x580bda1e7A0CFAe92Fa7F6c20A3794F169CE3CFb"

zkevm.l1-rollup-id: 3
zkevm.l1-first-block: 19218658
zkevm.l1-block-range: 2000
zkevm.l1-query-delay: 1000
zkevm.rpc-ratelimit: 250
zkevm.datastream-version: 3

externalcl: true
http.api: [eth, debug, net, trace, web3, erigon, zkevm]
http.port: 8545
Replace {L1 RPC URL} with your synced endpoint

Launch Erigon Node

Create systemd service for cdk-erigon

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/cdk-erigon.service

Paste the configs and save by entering ctrl+X and Y+ENTER:

Description=cdk-erigon Service

ExecStart=/root/cdk-erigon/build/bin/cdk-erigon --config="/root/xlayer/xlayerconfig-mainnet.yaml"


Start cdk-erigon

sudo systemctl daemon-reload #refresh systemd configuration when changes made

sudo systemctl enable cdk-erigon.service #enable cdk-erigon service at system startup

sudo systemctl start cdk-erigon.service #start cdk-erigon

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/cdk-erigon.service #make changes in cdk-erigon.service file

Run curl command in the terminal to check the status of your node

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}' http://localhost:8545

When it returns false then your node is fully synchronized with the network

Monitor the logs for errors

sudo journalctl -fu cdk-erigon.service #follow logs of cdk-erigon.service

During the synchonization, you are expected to get following log messages from cdk-erigon:

[INFO] [08-04|10:39:44.828] [1/16 L1Syncer] Starting L1 sync stage
[INFO] [08-04|10:39:44.829] Starting L1 syncer thread
[INFO] [08-04|10:39:54.914] [1/16 L1Syncer] L1 Blocks processed progress (amounts): 254000/1235309 (20%)
[INFO] [08-04|10:40:04.915] [1/16 L1Syncer] L1 Blocks processed progress (amounts): 430000/1235309 (34%)
[INFO] [08-04|14:32:56.247] [13/16 LogIndex] Started
[INFO] [08-04|14:32:56.248] [13/16 LogIndex] processing              from=499948 to=3642707
[INFO] [08-04|14:33:37.995] [13/16 LogIndex] Finished
[INFO] [08-04|14:33:45.451] [p2p] GoodPeers
[INFO] [08-04|14:33:45.700] [txpool] stat                            pending=0 baseFee=0 queued=0 alloc=353.1MB sys=6.2GB
[INFO] [08-04|14:33:59.786] [14/16 TxLookup] Flushed buffer file     name=/root/data/erigon-data/xlayer-mainnet/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-1679142578
[INFO] [08-04|14:34:02.324] [14/16 TxLookup] Flushed buffer file     name=/root/data/erigon-data/xlayer-mainnet/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-2496799223
[INFO] [08-04|14:34:03.661] [15/16 DataStream] Starting...
[INFO] [08-04|14:34:03.662] [15/16 DataStream] no streamer provided, skipping stage
[INFO] [08-04|14:34:03.662] [16/16 Finish] Started
[INFO] [08-04|14:34:03.662] [16/16 Finish] Finished


Last updated